-Can of Orangina
-Thing of cheese: Ossau Iraty? I don’t know. It’s a harder cheese than, say, camembert, but not so hard like parmesan. Huh. I just opened it, and it is actually about as soft as cheddar, but not so crumbly. It has a hard rind, though. It’s good.
-Small jar of Cornichons, avec les petit oignons et…some herbs. Yeah so these are delicious. I love this shit so much. Maybe when I get home after castle+wine tasting in a cave, I’ll finally nut up enough to ask my host mere if I can use the kitchen and make a Zinc style grilled cheese with tomatoes, cornichons, and some of this delicious cheese. Yum!
-Adorable crackers: “Belin” crackers. “Belin, Snacky Extra-fins” to be more precise. SNACKY EXTRA-FINS. Seriously I want these all the time. They’re just super thin butter crackers in some different shapes. Some of the shapes have cheese on top. Real cheese that’s been melted on to them, not powdered cheese flavoring. Delightful and inexpensive.
-Bottle of water. A good sized bottle for 21 cents! Hot damn!
-Box of framboise Pim’s cookie things. They’re in a tube. It’s really exciting. Also, they’re fucking great. They’re a sort of cake-like cookie with raspberry jam on top, and then a layer of dark chocolate over that. SO GOOD. I will probably have a problem not eating these.
-Cote D’Or Lait Raisins Noisettes. It’s a chocolate bar with nuts and raisins, for when I get hungry wandering around Chenonceau. Or on the bus, or whenever. Basically, snacking chocolate with bits of things that are legit good for me.
So yeah. Alllll that, for only 10 Euros! I love shopping for food!
In other news, I keep getting really weird looks from passersby. It’s totally understandable, as I am sitting on a bench in the middle road dividing walking gardeny place thing across from the bus stop, with all my groceries spread out on the bench. I’m blogging, and every so often I hold up one of my groceries to take a photobooth picture. Whatever, I’m used to being looked at like I’m a nutter.
Whatevs. Uhhh, what elsssse? Apparently the institute turns off their wireless at 6:30. The hell? Anyway, that’ means it’s super extra awesome that Dean showed me how to make the internet at my house work! YAAAAAY INTERBLAG. I have missed you so, sweet before-bed comic-reading and facebook-checking. I so love being able to watch things on youtube. Most exciting, Skype kind of works! Last night I finally got to talk to people; so fun!
So yes. I seem to be on a bi of a delay, with posting and writing, so castle+wine tasting+booze cave is for tomorrow. Type to you theeeen.

Here's the shitty photobooth pictures. Blogger decided to be a bitch and not let me upload good ones because it's stupid. I have pictures of everything; I'll try again tomorrow!
Have you had the Cote d'Or version of Nutella yet? It's a darker chocolate than Nutella, and blasphemous though it may be, I prefer it to Nutella. Have fun with all the tasty foods!