Monday, July 19, 2010

So hi guys. I fail at blogging, but whatever.

This weekend we went to Mont St Michelle and St Malo on Saturday! Mont St Michelle was beautiful, but suuuuper crowded. In St Malo, we drank hard cider on the beach, and Adair and I went swimming in our underwear. Good times. The drive wasn't so awesome; we spent more hours on the stupid bus than at St Michelle and St Malo combined. Boo!
Anyways, I did a little ten minute sketch of Mont St Michelle. It's from memory, so it's not exactly perfect, but whatevs.

The landscape had the most beautiful colors, which I didn't get quite right.

On Sunday I went to Paris for the day! I went to the Centre Pompidou, then got lost and missed out on the bird market, then had to come home. It was fun even with the getting lost. I had a really delicious crepe for dinner, too. I love the Centre Pompidou, it's just so fuckin' weird. I felt unsettled after I was finally done looking through everything in a way only modern art can make me feel. It's not a bad feeling, just sort of strange. I'll post pictures when I finally load them on my computer.

So yeah, that was my weekend. Now I'm exhausted, but it was preeeetty cool!


  1. Colooooors! They still look really pretty. What is a bird market? You should find it again, somehow, and buy me a bird for my present.

    Also, I knew exactly what you mean about modern art. The modern wing of the Chicago Art Institute creeps me out hardcore, but in a good way.
