Saturday, August 7, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
So hi guys. I fail at blogging, but whatever.
Anyways, I did a little ten minute sketch of Mont St Michelle. It's from memory, so it's not exactly perfect, but whatevs.

On Sunday I went to Paris for the day! I went to the Centre Pompidou, then got lost and missed out on the bird market, then had to come home. It was fun even with the getting lost. I had a really delicious crepe for dinner, too. I love the Centre Pompidou, it's just so fuckin' weird. I felt unsettled after I was finally done looking through everything in a way only modern art can make me feel. It's not a bad feeling, just sort of strange. I'll post pictures when I finally load them on my computer.
So yeah, that was my weekend. Now I'm exhausted, but it was preeeetty cool!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Comment on shit, people. I have a need for constant attention. Humor me.
So yes. I'll blog some more sooooon, hopefully maybe. I need to for school, so I will.
Anyways, I'm more likely to do stuff if someone pays attention to meeeee. MEEEEEEEE!
So, as incentive, here're some pictures I drew today to get back into using the tablet. They're loosely based on people I've seen here. Woo!

Woo, Tours. Maybe I'll draw goat-walking man sometime. Seriously, this guy takes his goat on walks. With a leash. Around town.
<3 jane
Monday, July 5, 2010
Day 1: Thursday
6: 25 am: get to Tours train station, after not sleeping the whole night. I tried, but just
Couldn’t; I was wired. Completely exhausted.
6: 40: why is my train still not here? Check ticket, signs, realize MY train doesn’t leave
until 8: 12. Derrrrr.
8 :00: Nicole gets here!
After this it’s really just a blur: We get to the Paris station, change stations, and wait for the train. This really nice Spanish speaking couple walked with us and helped me find the help desk, because I needed to get a printout of my train ticket before we got on the TGV. The help desk guy was the kind of French person who gives all the other French people a bad rap; stuck up, unwilling to even try to be helpful, and intolerant of my less-than-fantastic French skills. He was a huge douche, basically. More on this important subject later. So eventually our train comes, and Nicole gets on and I am about to get on but THEN the conductor guy says that the train’s completely full and I need a reservation. I told him I had one, but that the guy at the desk said that I could just get on the train. The conductor told me he was wrong, and I had to wait for the next train. ARGH. So anyways, I got on the next train and made it to Nice, but man, it was SUCH an ordeal. Also the train I finally got on took waaaay longer than the one I was supposed to be on. ARG. The train ride wasn’t too bad though; I slept a lot and listened to this very friendly, huge, metal-looking French man talk to the two old ladies across the aisle from us about their various cats. It was pretty adorable, not going to lie.
When I (finally) got to Nice, I found the hostel, met up with Nicole, and we went and got dinner along the beach! We each had a drink, and maaaan they were strong. It was quite a silly dinner.
Day 2: Friday
Today we went to the beach. It was BEAUTIFUL; the shore was all pebbles, and the water was clear, and calm, and refreshing but not freezing. It was perfect. The hostel we’re staying at, Camelia something, cleans all the rooms between 11 and 3, so you’re not allowed to be in the rooms then. Sooo, we were at the beach during the hottest part of the day. For about four hours. You can see where this is going. Iiiiii was the biggest idiot, forgot sunscreen, and got burnt to a crisp! An unevenly tanned crisp, too. I look fucking ridiculous. Not only does this suck because, you know, I don’t really want skin cancer and harsh sunburns don’t exactly help that, but also because it HURTS LIKE HELL. And I look like a beach noob, all red in funny places. AND it meant that I pretty much couldn’t go to the beach the whole rest of the trip. I stayed clothed and in the deep shade, and I put on more moisturizer and sunscreen than is reasonable for one person to EVER need. In other news, while I burnt my legs, my tummy, the top of my back, and the sides of my upper arms, I did NOT burn: my face/ears; the backs of my legs; my boobs (toplessness was totally common and acceptable AND the beach wasn’t full of creepy old men woooo); two patches on my thighs, one on the left, one on the right, in completely different places; and my knees. What the hell? My knees? I mean, I can see my chest, I really only had them hangin’ out in the sun for about 15 minutes, but my KNEES? Knees. Seriously, it’s fukken weird. I do not understand. At all.
Anywaaaaays, after the beach, we wandered around shopping; I got this awesome dress from H&M for 30 euros. I think it is officially my France dress, because that is rather a lot more than I’d like to spend. For dinner I had fried rice and orange chicken from the most delightful little Asian takeout place by the train station after Nicole got her ticket for the next day.
That night, after dark, we went out to the lively bits of the city for a drink! We ran into this big plaza where there were some street performers dancin’ it up, and then we found the main restaurant/bar road. It was PACKED, not only where there the bars and cafes and everything spilling out onto the street, but there was this open air boutique-y market thing going on in the middle of the street, too! Obviously, no cars on this particular rue. We finally found a table at one of the bars. I ordered this delicious cocktail thing; blonde beer, pineapple juice, and strawberry…something (I didn’t know what the word on the menu meant) in a pretty glass. Refreshing!
Day 3: Saturday
Today we went to Monaco for the day! It was pretty fun; we walked along the boardwalk-equivalent that runs along the water, looked at the harbor, Nicole went swimming, we went window shopping, I nearly passed out from the heat (literally), Nicole got me to a cafĂ©, and I recovered after some shade and water and a little food and about an hour of just sitting. I don’t know if my body is bad at regulating my temperature or something, or if I’m just completely out of shape, or if it’s low blood sugar stuff like my mummy when I haven’t eaten enough. Whatever it is, it sucks total ass. When we got back, we pretty much just crashed. Had bread and cheese for dinner. It was mellow, and just what I needed.
Overall, I think I like Nice better than Monaco. Monaco was beautiful, but Nice has more sincere character, if that makes sense. Monaco was just TOO touristy for me. Oh well, still worth it. They didn’t even check our tickets, too, so no day counted off my eurail! Wooooooo.
Day 4: Sunday
Today was just getting back to Tours. Oh, what a special hell today was. So remember douche bag from the Paris train station on day one? The one who said I didn’t need the reservations for the ticket I had? Well, apparently he did something to ALL of my ticket reservations! GREAT, MAN. YOU ARE TOTALLY THE BEST. I DON’T HATE YOU AT ALL. Basically, I couldn’t get on the train I was scheduled for AGAIN, and I actually ended up having to fucking BUY a ticket to Paris because everybody and their brother was traveling today, and thus there where no eurail seat left. There were practically no regular seats left either; I was actually super lucky to get back at all today. YERRRRRRGH. GRARGH. ERGH. GRRRRR. ARGH! DOUUUUCHE BAAAGGGGGG I HATTTE YOOOUUUUU.
So I should be in Tours in a few minutes now; I’m writing today’s entry on the train. I’m still bitter about stupid douche bag guy. What a COCK weasel anal WART DOUCHE bag JERK FACE.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Not Exactly Tomorrow
For breaks, I've been working on a comic strip; it's a redo of a quicker one I did in my notes. I can't decide which one I like better. The pen and paper one has a certain charm, while the digital one I ended up making is more...frightening than anything else. Fuck it, I'll put up the hand drawn one when I take a picture of it.

Other than schoolwork, I've gotten into a nice routine of class+sometimes hanging out+walks+work, so that's good. I really like Tours, it's a nice size, not TOO sketchy in most parts, and very pretty. It's got some delicious food, and some cheap/fun shops, and neat architecture, and that is really all I need to be entertained. I still need to go to the bar by the river that people keep talking about, it sounds super fun. That is one thing about living across the river; having to take a bus makes me so much less likely to get out than just being able to walk five minutes would. I have this built-in curfew and so I just end up not doing anything. I need to work on that, and get out at night more!
This week we went to Azay Le Rideau and Villandry. Azay Le Rideau was pretty, but definitely not as cool as Chenonceau. Chenonceau was built OVER a river, and it was just in the greatest location, and you could look down out of a window and the river would be ruching underneath and it was just awesome. I think Villandry has been my favorite actual castle, even though it's really only known for it's gardens. The gardens were totally awesome, don't get me wrong, but I had the most fun exploring the inside of the castle. We found these sketchy unmarked stairs that led all the way to the roof, and at one point I managed to, eh, circumvent some security and get into an attic. It was super fun. Approve. Would buy again.
So yes. This weekend I decided to stay here and get all the work I need to do done, so that I'm not completely overwhelmed next week. I want this shit to be...not shitty. Everything has to be in french, too, so that means it's taking EXTRA long, adn you all know how long it takes me to write something normally, so yeah. Bein' responsible. Go me.
For an extra special treat, here're all my silly class note sketches. There are surprisingly few, as I try to pay attention and keep track of what's going on as best I can. *******************************NOTE: NEVER MIND, BLOGGER HATES ME AND WON'T UPLOAD THEM. I'LL TRY AGAIN TOMORROW. IF THIS ISN'T GONE BY MONDAY, I FORGOT.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Less shitty post tomorrow, I promise.

Hi! it's been a long, tiring two days, for some reason. I've been doing a bunch of Marianne et moi comics, but all on paper. I need to find a scanner. Anways, tonight I just didn't have it in me to finish a comic, so here's a shitty Marianne sketch. WOO. Marianne on break is obviously heavily inspired by Kate Beaton's version of Superwoman. I love her so much!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Moar Comic.

So yeah. Sorry It's sort of crappy, I;m exhausted so I'll post a better version when I get around to it. I'm planning on this being a regular thing, with Marianne in here. A little background: Marianne is sort of the embodiment of the new republic. She's a symbol of France. She wears a silly hat and always has one boob hangin' out. I like her.
Photos tomorrow!
Monday, June 14, 2010

Yes. So my new goal is to make the things I draw be in both english and french. Sorry about future double posting, basically.

I was thinking I might do a color version later; I really like it for some reason. So yeah. That's pretty much it.
Basically I go in the Monoprix and look around possibly more often than is reasonable.
Today I bought some more food. I think I have a food problem. I love it too much. It's why I'm thick.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Moar Pictures
Andrew and I went to Le Fete de Livre (Book Festival, roughly), and then over to another outdoor flea market thing. It was a bunch of people with a bunch of stuff; clothes, books, furniture, lamps, vases, shoes, bags, stuff stuff stuff. Basically a bunch of random shit. Anyways, I ended up getting two dresses, a long sleeved shirt, AND a pretty corset top for just tweeeelve euros! Secondhand is awesome. I also got a graphic novel at the book fair; something called Orage et Desespoir. Looks delightful!
Night kids! <3
Saturday, June 12, 2010

And here's...this. But seriously, those beds and doors were TINY.
<3 jane
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Food Pile
-Can of Orangina
-Thing of cheese: Ossau Iraty? I don’t know. It’s a harder cheese than, say, camembert, but not so hard like parmesan. Huh. I just opened it, and it is actually about as soft as cheddar, but not so crumbly. It has a hard rind, though. It’s good.
-Small jar of Cornichons, avec les petit oignons et…some herbs. Yeah so these are delicious. I love this shit so much. Maybe when I get home after castle+wine tasting in a cave, I’ll finally nut up enough to ask my host mere if I can use the kitchen and make a Zinc style grilled cheese with tomatoes, cornichons, and some of this delicious cheese. Yum!
-Adorable crackers: “Belin” crackers. “Belin, Snacky Extra-fins” to be more precise. SNACKY EXTRA-FINS. Seriously I want these all the time. They’re just super thin butter crackers in some different shapes. Some of the shapes have cheese on top. Real cheese that’s been melted on to them, not powdered cheese flavoring. Delightful and inexpensive.
-Bottle of water. A good sized bottle for 21 cents! Hot damn!
-Box of framboise Pim’s cookie things. They’re in a tube. It’s really exciting. Also, they’re fucking great. They’re a sort of cake-like cookie with raspberry jam on top, and then a layer of dark chocolate over that. SO GOOD. I will probably have a problem not eating these.
-Cote D’Or Lait Raisins Noisettes. It’s a chocolate bar with nuts and raisins, for when I get hungry wandering around Chenonceau. Or on the bus, or whenever. Basically, snacking chocolate with bits of things that are legit good for me.
So yeah. Alllll that, for only 10 Euros! I love shopping for food!
In other news, I keep getting really weird looks from passersby. It’s totally understandable, as I am sitting on a bench in the middle road dividing walking gardeny place thing across from the bus stop, with all my groceries spread out on the bench. I’m blogging, and every so often I hold up one of my groceries to take a photobooth picture. Whatever, I’m used to being looked at like I’m a nutter.
Whatevs. Uhhh, what elsssse? Apparently the institute turns off their wireless at 6:30. The hell? Anyway, that’ means it’s super extra awesome that Dean showed me how to make the internet at my house work! YAAAAAY INTERBLAG. I have missed you so, sweet before-bed comic-reading and facebook-checking. I so love being able to watch things on youtube. Most exciting, Skype kind of works! Last night I finally got to talk to people; so fun!
So yes. I seem to be on a bi of a delay, with posting and writing, so castle+wine tasting+booze cave is for tomorrow. Type to you theeeen.

Here's the shitty photobooth pictures. Blogger decided to be a bitch and not let me upload good ones because it's stupid. I have pictures of everything; I'll try again tomorrow!